The North Atlantic Scuba Dive conditions page is strictly for fun. No suitability of the weather or water conditions for any purpose is expressed or implied.
High Tide
9:21 AM on
Monday, March 10, 2025. (The tide gets later by about an hour each following day)
Low Tide
About 6 hours before/after high tide
West 15-20 Monday / South 10-20 Tuesday / North 15-20 Wednesday / SE 10-15 Thursday
Underwater Visibility
4 to 10 feet
Surface Water Temp
38 degrees
Thought of the day...
“Many people are caught up it eating things that are inedible. Laundry detergent pods? Yummy! One of the latest items on the menu is the biodegradable packing peanut. These are the ones that dissolve in water. Folks that munch on these say that they “melt in your mouth”. At a ball park or a hockey rink, I’m all-in for a nice bag of peanuts. The ones that take up the space in the box containing your new drill? Not so much... ”
If the Dive Score is:
1: Stay home
2: Stay home and think about diving
3: Plan a dive
4: Beats mowing the lawn, might be a great dive
5: Dive if you can
6: Highly consider spending today underwater
7: Go Diving
8: Let the lawn burn/Let the snow fall; go diving
9: Procrastinate all else and go underwater
10: You need to call the boss and tell him/her you can't come to work because you're suffering from AGS (Anal Glaucoma Syndrome). I just can not see my butt going to work today: I have got to go diving! NAS is a proud sponsor of the Anal Glaucoma Foundation.