The North Atlantic Scuba Dive conditions page is strictly for fun. No suitability of the weather or water conditions for any purpose is expressed or implied.
High Tide
6:00 PM on
Thursday, February 6, 2025. (The tide gets later by about an hour each following day)
Low Tide
About 6 hours before/after high tide
SE 15-20 Thursday / West 20 30 Friday / NW 15-25 Saturday / NE 15-25 Sunday
Underwater Visibility
1 to 3 feet
Surface Water Temp
38 degrees
Thought of the day...
If the Dive Score is:
1: Stay home
2: Stay home and think about diving
3: Plan a dive
4: Beats mowing the lawn, might be a great dive
5: Dive if you can
6: Highly consider spending today underwater
7: Go Diving
8: Let the lawn burn/Let the snow fall; go diving
9: Procrastinate all else and go underwater
10: You need to call the boss and tell him/her you can't come to work because you're suffering from AGS (Anal Glaucoma Syndrome). I just can not see my butt going to work today: I have got to go diving! NAS is a proud sponsor of the Anal Glaucoma Foundation.